01883 341774
07525 479932

National Remaps will give your engine more power per pound than any other means of tuning.
Turbo-diesels and turbo-charged petrol engined vehicles can expect to gain between 20% and 35% additional horsepower and torque to hugely improve responsiveness, flexibility and acceleration. Hills will seem to flatten and towing becomes so much more relaxing. Gear changes are minimised and the whole driving experience improves beyond measure, providing more reliable exits from junctions, safer overtaking and more satisfying response when acceleration is needed.
Normally aspirated petrol engine vehicles will usually get around 8% more bhp and torgue, and although the increase is lower than for turbo-charged vehicles, vehicles will still see a noticeable improvement in responsiveness and flexibility at lower revs, as well as improved overall acceleration and driveability.
Turbo-diesels also get 8% or more MPG improvement - even though power has been increased.
It isn't surprising that many of our customers have commented how it feels like they have a new car or wish they'd had a remap years earlier!
See what we can do for your engine using our Vehicle Selector on the right. If you can't see your vehicle there, don't worry; we can't list them all. Give us a call. The chances are we can still help.
Vehicle Selector
Check here to see what we can do for your vehicle. If it isn't listed, please contact us because we're constantly adding new vehicles as we introduce the latest equipment.
Email. info@experttuning.co.uk
Tel: 01883 341774
Mob: 07525 479932
Doctors Lane
Surrey CR3 5AE